Bulletin Board
The Latest Club Newsletter #166 has now been uploaded and is available to read
The Rumble over Awatoto
February 21, 22 and 23. (3-day event)
Closure of Awatoto Field for the NZRCAA competition.
Model Flying Hawke’s Bay is again hosting this event. This year it is IMAC (scale aerobatics) only, no pattern.
A reminder to MFHB Inc. members that the Awatoto Field will be closed to general flying due to a NZRCAA competition being held over the weekend Friday 21 February to Sunday 23 February 2025.
MFHB Inc. members are welcome to participate, so what’s it all about?
IMAC (International Miniature Aerobátic Club) is the organization that grew out of the interest of flying scale aerobatics. For IMAC, the only aircraft requirement for classes above Basic is that it is a faithful scale model of a known aerobatic aircraft.
MFHB members are very welcome to come along and give it a go. BASIC is the sequence to start with, as you can fly any type of model. The IMAC sequence can be found here …. https://mini-iac.org/downloads/sequences/2024-knowns. Note that we fly the 2024 for the rest of our season. Look for “Basic Known”.
I can think of at least 10 members that could fly the BASIC sequence. I am available almost any time to pop out to the field and help you go through the sequence. So, give me a call, and have a go.
If IMAC BASIC looks a little daunting we could do a couple rounds of Clubman. It’s easier being centre stuff only, no spin either.
The Clubman sequence can be found here….. https://www.nzrcaa.co.nz/pattern/clubman-maneuvers-explained/
Although the above is a 3 day event you can just pop out for 1 or 2 days. I would think we will be flying a couple of rounds of BASIC each day.
In IMAC there are other classes where the models get bigger and the sequences get interesting (harder), so even if you don’t want to fly there will be plenty of good flying to be seen. There will be a BBQ lunch each day. Frazer is making it zero entry fee for local members and a chocolate fish for all BASIC and Clubman pilots.
Hope to see you there.
Rob Lockyer.
Regarding our Field Web Cam.
You may have of noticed that camera and weather station have been off line recently.
This is because the camera has been stolen and other IT equipment damaged.
The weather station is now back on line however, the camera is no more.
Put it in your Diary, Calendar or phone……
Warbirds over Awatoto 2025 dates are:

** Pilot Instructions Document can be viewed HERE
** Pilot Declaration Form can be viewed HERE
Marty – President – MFHB
Greetings Members,
The good news is our Club Shed is now all completely up and running. The water and power are both on and the usual Tuesday morning ‘shed sessions’ are continuing now as normal. There is also a lot of spare gear that members can also make use of in the shed. So why not join us!

Please Note: Due to the theft of the Web Camera, from the Awatoto pump house, the webcam image of the field is no longer available – but the weather station is still working using the link below.
Awatoto Field Weather Station.
Click on the Image above to view the Field Weather Station.
Welcome to the MFHB Website
Model Flying Hawke’s Bay (MFHB) has had numerous flying sites over the years thanks to the help of the local farming community and other interested groups and Aeromodelling enthusiasts in The Hawke’s Bay were encouraged over 70 years ago to form a group to promote the many types of aeromodelling activities available.The first club in the district was The Hastings Model Aeroplane Club followed by a similar group in Napier. Subsequently The Hawke’s Bay Radio Flyers Inc. Was established from members of both groups to form a solid base for the future of the sport in the Hawke’s Bay and District.
In 1992 the club was introduced to its present flying site by The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, this is a splendid facility at Awatoto, off Waitangi Road, beside the Fertilizer Works just 6 kms South of Napier City. Recently the club has included drone activity at Awatoto, providing a safe and controlled environment for the flyers to test their skills out.
The club also have a gliding field near Black Bridge, Haumoana.
MFHB publish a monthly NEWSLETTER which will be on this Website, covering the recent activity within the club, together with news, model building reports, items to buy or sell, and articles from the wider aeromodelling community. The current copy can be accessed from the main at the top of this page, or by clicking here.
Our Sponsors
This section is an acknowledgement of their generosity and on going
support. It is our opportunity to say “Thank You” to the following: